NJHS Volunteer Hours
NJHS Members are required to complete 15 individual service hours each school year. A service is defined as something done to help another without payment or compensation of any kind. A service log form is provided. Please obtain a signature and contact information for each event listed. No one type of event may account for more than five total hours. Volunteer logs will be distributed at the first NJHS meeting of the year and are due to our NJHS Staff Coordinator by the end of April each school year.
Some volunteer ideas to consider: Fall Festival set-up, booths and clean-up, Lenten Soup Pot, helping teachers in classrooms, Samaritan Center, Habitat for Humanity, sports referee or scorekeeping, beach clean-up, hibiscus festival, student teaching (helping younger students' study, read, etc.) or any other cause/mission you feel passionate about. Pray about it and God will lead you in the right direction.

President: Maya
Vice President: Lauren
Secretary: Gabby
Treasurer: Haley
Parliamentarian: Ryleigh