Volunteer Clearance
Volunteers are greatly appreciated here at St. Helen Catholic School! Before an individual may volunteer or chaperone they must complete the following:
1. Stop by the school office and request a fingerprint authorization form from Karen Santangelo.
2. Create a Virtus Online Account.
3. Attend and complete a "Protecting God's Children" workshop through the online link.
4. Read the Family Service Plan Handbook.
5. Field trip drivers must have their driver's license information and sufficient auto insurance coverage on file in the school office.
Click here for Virtus Online Registration information.
Click here to register for fingerprinting.
Volunteering: Parents & Guardians
How to Log Volunteer Hours:
Go to www.StHelenSchoolVero.com and click on Family Portal Login | FACTS.
Log in to your Family Portal account.
Click on the “Family Information” tab from the left menu options.
4. The Service Hour section is located in the top middle box title "Service Hours".
5. Use the drop down menu at the top center of the service hours section to select the family member performing the service hours.
6. Record volunteer hours by clicking “Add +”.
7. Enter the date of service hours, description of work, number of hours, notes and staff member or chairperson who can verify your work.
8. Press SAVE.
Our RenWeb Code: shc-fl
Activities that DO NOT qualify as Service Hours:
Remote learning due to pandemic or other illness.
Tax deductible financial donations to the school or church when goods or services are received.
Field trips only count as volunteer hours if you are chaperoning. To chaperone, a volunteer MUST be fingerprinted and have participated in the Protecting God’s Children program, have required insurance and have a signed copy of the Student Parent Handbook on file. Just attending a field trip does not qualify as volunteer hours.
Although we encourage you to attend Mass with your child, attending Mass with your child does not qualify as volunteer hours.
Gifts to teachers such as wish list items or birthday gifts.
Download Family Service Plan for full details and policy.
Field Trip Guidelines
The following requirements concerning the supervision for trips and other functions have been approved by the Diocese of Palm Beach and are intended to be enforced by all participants and chaperones.
Students Requirements:
Diocese of Palm Beach Field Trip Consent and Release Form
Chaperone Requirements:
Must be at least 21 years of age.
Background screening (fingerprinting).
Attend Protecting God’s Children Workshop.
Complete Driver Information Form.
Proof of current and valid insurance at the 100,000/300,000 level.
Field Trip Guidelines:
Siblings and friends are not defined as participants and cannot attend the function.
Maintain a ratio of 5 participants to 1 adult.
When more than one vehicle is used to transport participants, all authorized drivers must have written directions and should be familiar with the area where they will be traveling.
There must be at least two adults in each vehicle carrying youth at all times- one adult to drive and the other to supervise the participants. Both adults must have undergone background screening and have been cleared to drive pursuant to Diocesan guidelines.
All passengers must have a seat/seat belt.
Cell phones must not be used by the driver while vehicle is in motion.
Prohibited: weapons, alcohol, smoking.
***A detailed list of all participants, chaperones, and supervisory personnel with telephone numbers and emergency contact persons must be left with the school office.