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Enrichment Programs

1:1 iPad Program   (Grades K-8)

Apps & Coding (Grades K-8)

Spanish (K-8)

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Contest (Grades K-8)

SAVAAS (Grades K-5)

STEMScopes (Grades K-5)

Math Superstars Program  (Grades 1-5)
(Sunshine Math)

Tropicana Speech Contest  (Grades 4-8)

Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.)  Essay Contests  (Grades 5-8)

National Junior Honor Society (Grades 6-8)

Advanced Middle School Classes (Grades 6-8)

Accelerated Reader Program (Grades 1-8)

Duke University Talent Identification Program (T.I.P.) (Grade 7)

Algebra 1 Honors Class (opportunity for high school credit)  (Grade 8)

Advanced Spanish (opportunity for high school credit) (Grade 8)


Newspaper Club