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St. Helen Catholic School believes that athletics provides opportunities to develop and demonstrate the basics of good character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.  We design our sports programs with the intentions of:

modeling virtue and character for our young.

encouraging athletes to exhibit good character, and 
helping coaches and other responsible adults to instill and reinforce in our 
students commitment to develop and exhibit good sportsmanship.

Student athletes may compete in soccer, volleyball, flag football, basketball, cheerleading, lacrosse, and cross country. 
Prior to participation in any sport, each student must complete a Parent Consent and Release of Liability form and provide an up to date physician's certificate.

2024-2025 ATHLETIC FEE: $100.00 per student, per sport.  
FEES: These fees cover the cost of uniforms, equipment, conference fees, facility rental and referee fees. A small bus fee will be added when the bus is used.

Behavior and Grade Requirements:

Students performing  below a C will be given one week to pull up grades to participate in the following week's game.  It is the student's responsibility to get the grade recovered. If the grade is not recovered by the next weekly grade check, the athlete will sit out of the game. They are still required to attend the game, since they are part of the team.

If an athlete receives their 4th demerit, they will not be eligible to play in that game. Each demerit after the 4th will be another game missed. If a student receives 8 demerits in one season, they will not be allowed to remain on the team.

Please click on the links included to download forms. There are new forms for the 2024-2025 school year.

Tryout permission form and sports forms must be on file before tryouts. No exceptions will be given.  

Forms & Information

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